On this sad day, when the whole world stops to mourn the passing of Queen Elizabeth, the following extract from the writings of Archbishop Polding presents itself. He published it on 26th March, 1843.
In somewhat lofty language, he asks all Catholic people throughout Australia to pray for the Monarch. At that time, it was the young Queen Victoria, who came to the throne in 1837. What the Archbishop wrote is an helpful reminder to us, also, to pray for our Sovereign. At this time, moreover, we recall with gratitude the 70 years of selfless, Godly service Queen Elizabeth gave to her realms and to the entire world. We will never again see her like.
Amongst the duties upon which St Timothy, raised to the Episcopal See of Ephesus, is required by St Paul to insist, as "good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, are supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings for Kings, and for all that are in high station, that we may lead" - observes the Apostle - "a quiet and peaceable life." Thus admonished by the Apostle of the Gentiles, in the person of his disciple, we deem it incumbent upon us, at an early period of our administration, to remind our beloved flock of this duty; and in order to facilitate a faithful compliance with it, to ordain that it form a part of the devotional exercises of the Sunday. For this end, we order that in all our churches, before or after Mass, shall be recited or sung the versicles, responses, and prayers usually inserted in our Liturgy under the head Pro Rege. To these shall be added another prayer for his Excellency the Governor, and for all in authority over us - that they may administer justice, and that under their rule we may dwell in unity, peace and truth.
Archbishop Polding OSB And although the sublime principle of Christian allegiance, which teaches us to reverence our Sovereign the minister of God's authority, ought chiefly to urge us to this duty, yet we cannot forget the many and endearing titles [claims] our gracious Queen has to our love and gratitude.
How much more cogently are we pressed - not by the impulse of duty alone, but by every motive that can influence the affections - to pray for the eternal and temporal welfare of our gracious Sovereign Queen Victoria, whose delight is to behold the happiness commensurate with the extensiveness of her sway, to know that all subject to her sceptre are in the full enjoyment of the means required for a life of quiet and peace, unalloyed and undisturbed.
The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
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